Monday, February 9, 2009

Elements of Writing Workshop

Writing workshop will happen in the classroom at least four times a week, and at a consistent time each day. This is an important part of the day in our classroom, and we spend about 30 minutes in writing workshop each day. The students sit with a partner or group of three as they write. They have access to different types of writing paper, as well as an assortment of writing instruments. Each student has a writing folder in which they keep their written work. Writing folders are stored in the back of the classroom in the writing folder crate. There are three main components which students are involved in during writing workshop. These components are listed and explained below. If you have any questions about writing workshop, or how it works, please feel free to contact me.

  • Minilessons - These are taught during writing workshop when a student asks a question or I notice the student is having trouble with something. The minilesson usually lasts about 5-10 minutes. There are three different types of minilessons that can be taught during writing workshop; they are procedural, literary, and strategies/skills lessons.
  • Writing time - During this time the students and I are writing. It is a quiet time when students should be sitting at their desks or with their groups and writing.
  • Sharing time - Being able to share their writing with other people is what motivates many students to write. The student sharing their writing sits in the front of the room in the author chair, while other students are gathered on a rug in front. Each student is encouraged to give feedback to the author using the Oreo cookie method. (Oreo cookie method: good comment (cookie), suggestion (cream), and good comment (cookie) is something that is practiced in class before being used during share time.)

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